All industries are expanding, IPI increased by 4.6% in December

各行各业都扩张 12月IPI增长4.6%

(Kuala Lumpur, July 7) The Statistics Department announced that the Industrial Production Index (IPI) grew 4.6% year-on-year in December last year, driven by expansion in all industries. Datuk Mohd Uzir, chief statistician of the Statistics Department, said that the manufacturing industry (accounting for 68.3% of the index) expanded 5.8% year-on-year, performing better than the 4.6%…

Merger and acquisition triggered a legal battle, Malaysia’s largest listed medical group claimed NT$5.5 billion from a Japanese company!

并购引发司法战 大马最大上市医疗集团向日企索赔55亿!

Northern TK Venture (NTK), a subsidiary of IHH Healthcare Group (IHH, 5225, Main Board Healthcare), is seeking up to 109.3 billion Indian rupees (RM5.5 billion) from Japanese pharmaceutical company Daiichi Sankyo, accusing the company of causing losses when it blocked its acquisition of Fortis Healthcare in 2018. IHH Healthcare Group said in a statement that…